Crying Donkey

A man walks into a bar, he sees a donkey crying in the corner with a bucket of quarters next to him. He walks up to the bartender and asks, '' What's wrong with the donkey? '' The bartender replies, '' He's been crying all week, I can't get him to stop. He's been driving away all of my customers. '' The man looks at the donkey and says, '' Can I be of help? '' The bartender looks up at the man with a very excited face. The bartender says, '' If you could do that, the bucket of quarters is yours! '' The man takes the donkey outside, then comes back in after a minute. The donkey is laughing. The bartender says, '' You did it! The bucket is all yours! '' The man takes the bucket and walks home. A week later the man comes back to the same bar. He sees the donkey laughing again, and another bucket of quarters next to him. He asks the bartender, '' What happened? There's nobody here! '' The bartender says, '' The donkey has been laughing all week, he won't stop. Please, if you could, do your magic again to help him. I need my business. '' The man takes the donkey outside, but this time, an hour passes, and he walks into the bar again. The donkey is crying. The bartender says, '' Incredible! You are truly magical! How on earth do you do it!? '' The man replies, '' Well, the first time I did it, I told him my di.k was bigger than his. He started laughing. Then, the second time I proved it to him. ''